I went a little early, just so I could get a few hands in. They had a evening tournament and my friend wasn’t going to arrive for a couple of hours, so I figured why not try their tournament. It was a little more expensive - $65. Yet it was a doublestack tournament for 3,000 chips. So I get all settled and prepared for a lengthy session of poker.
First hand comes and its garbage. Toss it away and wait for that action to complete, which is nothing more than stealing the blinds. On the second hand I busted out. Yes, out. Poof. Gone.
Looking back on it, I felt a little stupid for having played it. Here’s my bust-out hand:
Chip stacks: Button, Villain, and I each have the initial chipstacks of $3000.
Blinds are 25/50.
My hole cards : KhJh.
Folds around to me, where I limp in and villain raises it to $200. The button and I call. The pot is now $600.
The flop : KsKc9d.
I bet $500. Villain calls. Button folds. Pot is now $1600.
Turn card is a Ac. I bet $500. Villain calls. Pot is now $2600.
River is a 7d.
I bet $500. Villain goes in the tank for about 30 seconds, displays some unhappy facial contortions and pushes all in. I insta call.
I proudly flip over my King for trip Kings.
Villain flips over AA and doubles up with Aces over Kings, knocks me out.
Remember, this was just the second hand of the tournament. This is my most embarrassing tournament performance so far. To compound my embarrassment, the entire tournament room traditionally wants to look up from whatever action they are in at whoever busts out first. Just to be sure this happens, the dealer screams “Player Down!”
I’ve replayed this hand a million times in my head. Where could have I played it better? First problem, I didn’t have position. I was also first to bet in this action. I’m not completely sure my head was in the action. I did consider he had a King himself, but I likely had the b
As you can see from the image, he's way ahead until the flop, after which I'm 91% to win this hand. The turn is the killer card. I'm waaay behind at this point and the only card that can save me is the 4th king. If I had landed that card, it should have qualified for the bad beat jackpot, I'll point out. But this was not to be. Just a dumb play. It should have never gotten to a showdown. I was only ahead momentarily and for one street. I need to remember this about having trips.
Oh well. I need to say lesson learned, but I’m still studying it.
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